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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

“The Potential Damage A Representative May Bring To Your Claim”

Pursuing a claim is not an easy task. Sometimes claimants need the help of social security representatives in order to make progress in their applications. But what happens when the representative, the one with whom you place all your trust, becomes the main reason for the delay of your claim?

Reading about an article, “How Your Social Security Representative Can Disadvantage Your Security Claim,” posted October 31, will help explain the way why representatives or lawyers may contribute to the delay of the claim.

According to the article, one of the main causes of delay is in the way papers or documents are submitted or filed. Based on the process, submitted applications are distributed to social security employees to be loaded into the computer data.

What happens when a claimant sends in a paper application is that the social security employee often loses time to inspect the documents and eventually the papers are sent back to claimants for proper filing. Otherwise, a social security employee may find that the disability lawyer or representative did not address supplemental security income issues, the work activity, or did not fill out necessary forms. In short, an erring representative may pose a big disadvantage to a claim unless a claimant gives his full attention to the filing of his claim and not rely too much on his representative.

To ensure that you and your representative are on the right track of a supplemental security income disability claim, you can do the following:
  • File your disability medical information online.
  • Set a disability interview appointment with your local Social Security office.
  • While waiting for the interview, forward the necessary documents to the office.
  • After the interview, your papers will be sent to the state social security office.
Pursuing a claim is difficult but in the end, your patience and hard work is worth it all.