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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Why Social Security Disability is Crucial for Women with Cervical Cancer

In a report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are approximately 12,000 new cases of HPV-associated cervical cancer diagnosed in the United States each year.

Nevertheless, further studies at the agency claimed that cervical cancer has declined. Thanks to the screening tests, which can detect early stages of the disease, it is now highly preventable. Therefore, the number of cancer deaths in women in the country has been significantly reduced.

Every January, when the Cervical Cancer Awareness Month is being held, several non-profit organizations all over the country spread awareness to the public stressing out that cervical cancer can now be diagnosed early through the use of screening tests including Pap smear and the human papillomavirus (HPV) test. Both tests are very important to early detection of the disease.

Unfortunately for women who were diagnosed with cervical cancer, physicians strongly recommend them to stop from working. This is where the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) becomes crucial since the program provides their monthly benefits even if they are under their full retirement age. However, to be eligible for the said federally mandated program, a patient must have paid FICA taxes.

Meanwhile, a Los Angeles disability lawyer noted that although the Social Security Administration (SSA) has medical listings for cervical cancer that is referred to as carcinoma or sarcoma of uterine cervix, not all cases meet all of the criteria of the agency’s listings. However, the claimant may still have other medical conditions in combination with her cancer that would correspond to a medical listing.

The side effects of cervical cancer treatment may likely produce debilitating side effects such as extreme fatigue and limiting symptoms that prevent a claimant from working. In that case, the SSA’s disability examiners will evaluate the claimant’s condition including his or her residual functional capacity. In addition, a documentation of all the symptoms suffered by the claimant from their doctors would to a lot of help to support the claim, he further explained.