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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

How to Fully Implement Disability Law

Disability Law is one which prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in employment, housing, education and access to public services. It is largely regulated by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

ADA identifies a disability as any of the following:

1. "a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more
of the major life activities of the individual."
2. "a record of such impairment."
3. "being regarded as having such an impairment."

In its mission to protect the rights of disabled persons, the government has passed several laws to their rights. Some of these federal laws include:

  • Americans Disabilities Act
  • Telecommunications Act
  • Fair Housing Act
  • Air Carrier Access Act
  • Voting Accessibility for Elderly and Handicapped Act
  • National Voters Registration Act
  • Civil Rights of Institutionalized People Act
  • Rehabilitation Act
  • Architectural Barriers Act

Also, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (I.D.E.A.) has greatly improved the lives of disabled schoolchildren across the United States.

I can personally attest to the favorable effects of these laws for having a brother who has been disabled since 6 months old. Disability can be life changing not only for the person himself but also for people who surround him.

Gone are the days when people with disability have been put down not only because of their physical being but of their basic rights to existence and survival.

However, the harsh reality remains that despite efforts of the government to safeguard the rights of disabled persons, discrimination is still prevalent in our modern world.

These laws are futile without our cooperation and commitment to abide by it. There is so much to be done. Each of us has its own obligation. These laws are not merely there but they were enacted to serve some purpose. A noble purpose that is.