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Monday, November 12, 2007

The Reasons behind Long Social Security Waits

Social Security benefits play an important role in alleviating the financial incapacity of many qualified American workers. A part of them even totally rely on the monthly checks that they are receiving from the Social Security Administration to support their basic needs. Some enjoys their money and still chooses to continue earning added income by continuing to work or putting up their own business.

Acquiring such benefits from Social Security is indeed rewarding after long years of hard work and paying Social Security taxes. However, not all benefit claimants share the same idea. Due to various reasons, around 65% of the total number of petitions that are initially filed with the SSA is being denied after approximately four months of wait. This compels them to file their appeals before an Administrative Law Judge and wait further for the scheduled hearing.

One factor for these backlogs and long waits that complicates the procedures in procuring Social Security benefits is the inadequacy of government funding. This has resulted in a more serious problem of staff shortage. Because of this, many calls are not being answered and loads of applications are not being assessed.

Another thing is the aging population. Sixty years after the war, the baby boomers are now set to avail their benefits. Over the past five years, a whopping 24% increase in the number of Social Security claimants has been recorded. This even adds up to the shortage of local social security personnel – causing greater headache to the SSA.

On the other hand, for those claimants who are still hopeful after the denial of their Social Security benefits, you may follow the basic procedures in filing an appeal. In so doing this, it is also essential to have an advocate who has the proper understanding of the process. A competent Locial Security lawyer or representative may boost your chances of having a positive outcome.