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Thursday, September 20, 2007
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Worsening Social Security Disability Claims
The economic downfall has caused the increased in disability applications. In 2008, the Social Security Administration (SSA) received two ...
Food Stamp Cuts Devalues Recent Social Security Benefit Increase
Although many of the Social Security Benefit recipients were delighted with the recent increase in Cost-of-living Adjustment (COLA), som...
SSA Finally Announces Social Security Benefit Increase for 2014
Image gives credit to © BRADLEY C BOWER/AP/Corbis. After various rumors and speculations regarding the automatic social security benefi...
5 States that Rely on Social Security Benefits the Most
Ever since, millions of Americans rely on social security benefits for a living. In fact, in some states, it turns out that a greater prop...
Dealing with the Legal Process after Filing for Social Security Disability
After filing for a social security disability, expect within a few days that you may soon receive an appointment or a denial letter. Knowin...
How Medical Insurance Fraud Hurts YOU
Insurance fraud or false insurance claims are claims filed with medical insurance providers or programs with intent to defraud. These are g...
Commerce Minister Anand Sharma Negotiates SS Tax Exemption for Indian IT Pros
Why pay for benefits you have never received? This is the tone behind India Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma's speech at t...
Veterans Likely to Cut Off Disability Benefit Payments if the Government Shutdown Lasts a Month
In a recent announcement released by the Veterans Affairs Department (VA), the agency claimed that if the government shutdown lasts fo...
Know the 4 Level of Appeals in Social Security Disability Income
Filing for a social security disability income can be a slow, difficult, and often delayed process. An increase in number of applicants, a...
SSA: No Increase for Beneficiaries’ 2011 COLA
For the second consecutive year, the Social Security Administration will not provide an increase on the benefits to be received by some 58 ...
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