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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

People with Serious Mental Illnesses Have Increased Risk of Cancer Resulting to Disability

In a recent report released by the Medline Plus, it stated that a new study suggested that people with serious mental illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder have increased risk of cancer, which could eventually lead to permanent disability.

The research found out that the risk of cancer for those people with severe mental disorder is 2.6 times higher than those mentally healthy people. However, the study also noted that the condition could be a result of any of the following:

•    Not receiving preventive care;
•    Not reducing or totally cutting out cancer risk practices like smoking; and
•    Not undergoing regular cancer screenings.

According to the said research, people with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder were 3 times more possible to have breast cancer, 3.5 times more possible to have colon cancer, and more than 4.5 times possible to have lung cancer in the future.

The researchers likewise speculated that the increased risk of breast cancer to women with severe mental illnesses could be linked to the fact of not having children since childbearing is believed to be a factor that reduces the risk of breast cancer. Meanwhile, those with an increased risk of lung cancer are believed to be attributed to unhealthy lifestyle like smoking, lack of exercise, and poor diet.

Such poor habits can often set hurdles to challenging financial situations requiring social security disability benefits. Although there are lots of Los Angeles social security claim lawyers who are ready for the challenge of filing for a disability claim, the same could be complicated and time consuming. Therefore, it would still be best if people would try to avoid such improper practices and unhealthy lifestyle to avoid possible future disabling conditions.