Guidelines on how to deal with Social Security Disability denial are as follows:
Disability appointment: Stating your hearing schedule
One may receive this type of disability appointment letter after filing for a social security disability. This letter, which comes from the Office of Hearings and Appeals, will inform an applicant when his or her case will be heard. This is usually sent to those applicants whose claims are denied and who plan to continue the process of appeals.
Go for reconsideration
Many applicants, after being denied in their first claim, failed to consider an appeal. That’s the biggest mistake than an applicant can ever do. In case you already have a hearing schedule, take this as your best shot to win the case. One can have a higher chance of winning the appeal if there would be a legal counsel familiar with, and understands, every aspect of the case to help.
Medical examination
After opting for reconsideration, an applicant will soon receive again a letter stating a date for an applicant’s medical examination. This will come from Disability Determination Services (DDS) wherein claims are being evaluated.
This cannot be opted out as you go through the reconsideration process since it is strictly required during the claim. Such medical assessment should have to be done by the agency’s own physicians and not by an applicant’s own doctor. About the expenses, DDS will take care of the medical fees. Therefore, applicants should not have to worry, unless they really aren’t physically ill. Failing to comply with the agency’s standards will definitely mean an application denied.
Following the instructions stated at the disability appointment letter is very significant. Once you responded to come by a certain date, be sure that you will absolutely do. Know exactly where, how, and who to deal with it since it is a very complicated process. Any mistake or delay could ruin all your efforts in filing for social security disability.