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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Risks of Hiring An Unqualified Disability Claim Attorney

Some disability claimants make the mistake of appearing in court without a disability claim attorney. However, even when claimants have a legal counsel to represent them, their position is still at risk if they hired the wrong attorney.

It is a proven fact that the court will more likely to approve your application or appeals for Social Security disability benefits when you have a legal representative. Nonetheless, utilizing the services of a disability attorney will be useless when he/she is not well experienced and skilled in handling such cases.

In a blog article entitled, “Things to Watch Out for When Using a Disability Lawyer”, it enumerates the things you need to be careful about with your representative. This is useful information for people who are pursuing their disability claims.

Although employing an attorney in the process of a disability claim is important, hiring an inexperienced and incompetent attorney is just as good as having no one to represent you. On the other hand, good and qualified attorneys can do a lot for you and their expertise can definitely increase your chances of winning a favorable decision in court.

Going through the appeals process can be less tedious and time consuming through the help of a legal advocate. In fact, retaining the services of an attorney at the early stages of your claim is proven helpful and valuable.

Disability claim attorneys can assist claimants at the beginning of their application and/or up to the higher levels of appeals. For them to do so, they need to be familiar with the laws of Social Security. Since the Social Security Administration imposes strict guidelines in giving out the benefits to the claimants, an attorney must be able to put together all important evidence that will prove the eligibility of their clients.

Getting the assistance of an attorney who has no proper qualifications is no good. It is better to make sure from the start of seeking an attorney that you have properly researched his/her background before deciding to hire him/her. Watch out for attorneys who pretend to know what they are doing when in fact, they will only put you in more trouble than you have bargained for.