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Thursday, September 20, 2007
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Dealing with the Legal Process after Filing for Social Security Disability
After filing for a social security disability, expect within a few days that you may soon receive an appointment or a denial letter. Knowin...
Lower Your Risk of Heart Attacks by Eating Berries
In a recent study published before the Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association , it claimed that eating three or more serv...
Filing disability benefits anew-pending appeal
By now we can safely assume that everyone knows that there is a great probability that disability benefits application in the SSA is denie...
Effects of State to State Transfer on Approved Disability Claims
Since Social Security is a federal agency, claimant’s move from one state to another will not affect the benefits rendered in his favor. Ho...
Paper Checks Soon to End for Social Security Payments
As previously mandated by the federal government, Social Security payments will no longer be delivered to recipients via snail mail begin...
Social Security Hearings Backlog Reduction Plan Works
Commissioner Michael J. Astrue of the Social Security has recently announced that the backlog for Social Security hearings is at its lowest ...
Woman Gets in Jail For Social Security Disability Fraud
The Social Security Disability Insurance program is very helpful for the people who are in dire need of financial assistance due to their d...
How Social Security Disability Benefits and Workers’ Compensation Correlates
Many workers who have suffered from job-related injuries actually have a lot of options that will provide them financial assistance to make...
California DDS: Under Investigation
Early this year, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced that thousands of public servants would be furloughed two Fridays a m...
Know the 4 Level of Appeals in Social Security Disability Income
Filing for a social security disability income can be a slow, difficult, and often delayed process. An increase in number of applicants, a...
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