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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Know the 4 Level of Appeals in Social Security Disability Income

Filing for a social security disability income can be a slow, difficult, and often delayed process. An increase in number of applicants, added with draining government resources, has made the social security administration implement tighter standards in accepting more social security disability income applications.

In fact, an estimated 65% of applicants are being denied during the first time of application. Most often, denial happens simply because the applicant failed to provide sufficient evidence of disability.

Having social security disability lawyers is one of the major ways to increase the chances of a successful claim.

If the SSDI application has been denied, don’t give up since it usually happens during the first time of application. The administration is offering four levels of appeal to fight for an initial denial of SSDI benefits.

Don’t mind about the stress that you will be going through, but instead think of the benefits that you can achieved upon winning the claim. The good news: About 60% of initial denied claims are overturned at one of the 4 levels of appeal.

The first step in filing for SSDI appeal is the reconsideration process. Take this opportunity as an advantage to submit all the missing requirements from the previously denied application.

If you are not in favor of the reviewer’s decision, in the reconsideration phrase, you may request to have your case be heard before an administrative law judge. Take this opportunity to bring your representative to help you answer all the judge’s questions. In this level, you can also bring witnesses, such as medical experts and friends, to testify in your behalf.

Once either of your location or disability prevents you from personally attending the hearing, the agency will usually try to find a way to accommodate your problem.

If you still aren’t in favor of the outcome of the case from the administrative law judge, you may request for a review from the Social Security Appeals Council. The council will take a look at all your previous requests, but will generally not accept formal review cases that were decided correctly in its belief.

If you further disagree with the Appeals Council Decision or if the council preferred not to review the case at all, then that’s when you can finally take your appeal to the federal district court.

Knowing the exact time for filing an appeal is very important. Usually, it only takes 60 days upon receipt of the denial to file for a claim. For denied social security disability income, you can consult some experienced social security disability lawyers to know the best course of action to take.