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Monday, December 26, 2011

Social Security Administration to Review Social Security Appeals

Sometimes, life isn’t fair. Ironically, out of thousands of people filing for disability benefits, those who deserve benefits are often denied, while others are enjoying benefits they actually don’t deserve. This is the major reason why the Social Security Administration (SSA) intends to launch a review targeting Social Security appeals.

According to a report, the Administrative Conference of the United States will be conducting a Social Security Disability review. Recommendations for overhauling the disability appeals process is said to be released next year.

The Social Disability Insurance Program was established way back in 1950. This year, the program is expected to pay out $103 billion disability benefits to over 10 million people. However, according to reports, the program is facing financial uncertainties and is expected to drain its resources by 2017.

Now, the federal government is seeking a way on how to prevent the presumption from happening. If the proposed review has been implemented, it will somehow lessen the burden of the government. It will also take out the issue of fraud from the recipient’s list thus giving deserving beneficiaries their benefits.

One of the main points of the Conference’s report will be the role of the administrative law judges who are tasked to resolve disability appeals. Critics claim that there are inconsistencies in terms of the resolution of the appeals amongst administrative judges. Reports said that some of them decide on claims in less than a minute, while others take some time and even days or longer.

By next week, the SSA is planning to avoid informing those who apply for disability benefits of which judge they’ve been assigned for their case. This is to avoid bargains that may occur between the applicant and its lawyer and the presiding judge.

The study will also focus on the federal court’s overturning on many of the Social Security judges’ decisions when they deny the benefits.

The Social Security Appeals review will be a wise move from the administration. It would not only benefit the deserving recipients but will also be a significant help for the recessing economy of a state. The Conference report will be due on August and the final recommendations will be released on November 2012.